资料图:美国众议院共和党领袖麦卡锡。中新社记者 沙晗汀 摄
House speaker election reveals deep-rooted problems in U.S. democracy
(ECNS) -- The Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was elected as the 55th speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives after 15 ballots. As the most grueling House speaker election in the past 164 years, the election has highlighted the defects of the country’s "confrontational democracy".
The election once reached a stalemate due to intense partisan strife, inner-party struggle among the Republicans, uneven distribution of interests, and more. Democratic Party members forged a close alliance, refusing to vote for McCarthy, while about 20 Republicans also declined to cast ballots for the GOP leader.
Except for his unpopular role as a "political speculator" in Congress, McCarthy’s hard-won election can be attributed to turmoil within the Republican Party.
On the one hand, opponents in the Republican Party believe that the GOP leader's attitude toward the Democrats is too weak to confront the Senate controlled by Democrats and the Biden administration.
On the other hand, the political power of some less influential factions in the Republican Party has been amplified due to the Party’s weak majority advantage in the House of Representatives, which is conducive to consolidating their ticket warehouses.
Meanwhile, these opponents believe that their votes failed to win them more benefits, hoping to use this as a bargaining chip for McCarthy's further concessions, such as getting them positions in important House Committees.
As the third political figure after the President and Vice President of the U.S., the speaker, by tradition, is the head of the majority party in the House of Representatives.
But McCarthy has made many concessions in order to bring the ultra conservatives along, involving what’s known as the “motion to vacate,” a mechanism by which members can force a vote to depose the speaker. The reported concessions will empower individual members at the expense of McCarthy’s sway as speaker.
CNN thought the concessions he made during this unseemly political shakedown would only make the extremist faction more powerful.
This embarrassing election, which has drawn global attention, exposed the serious opposition and polarization in American politics. Both Democrats and Republicans put their interests before that of the country and its people, attacking and opposing each other irrationally.
Besides, different factions arise within a single party and confront each other because of the distribution of interests. Votes have become a tool to win more benefits.
From Capitol riots to the House Speaker election with record-breaking ballots, "confrontational democracy" has become a bottleneck of American politics. Long-term confrontation will surely impede politicians to think objectively and fairly while their capacity of governing the country will also raise doubts among the public.
Both parties’ struggle and infighting among the Republicans have further amplified the defects of the American political system, with its "democratic" image shocking the world.
The U.S.-style election, which advocates putting voters' interests first, has become a game of interest exchange among politicians. In addition, it further demonstrates the malfunction of American "democratic politics" and the constantly polarized party struggle that has trapped the American political system into an infinite cycle.
@回家的你 春运出行这些安全隐患别忽视****** 临近春节,人们外出增多,有的驾驶人为了图一时方便,将乘客和货物一起塞入车厢内,殊不知这种人货混装的行为,会给行车安全埋下很大安全隐患。 乘车不规范 人货混装生隐患 近日,陕西渭南高速交警在京昆高速韩城服务区例行检查时,发现一辆面包车后面两排座椅上的四名乘客都没有系安全带,旁边堆放着大包小包的行李。 原来,驾驶人郭某当天带着家人从河北保定前往四川达州探亲,由于拉载的行李过多,他便将后备厢放不下的行李堆放在座椅上,丝毫没有意识到这一行为的危险性。 高速交警 王奕超:人货混装是非常危险的行为,特别是在高速公路上行驶时,一旦车子发生紧急情况、刹车或转弯时,车内的货物很可能受惯力作用发生翻滚,极易砸伤车内人员,存在严重安全隐患。 前些天,高速交警在东昌高速江西抚州服务区发现一辆7座小车,里面部分座椅被拆卸,两名乘客就躺在车厢里。 驾车出行 请提前检查车况 春运期间,驾车长途出行需求增多,驾驶人出发前首先要对车辆安全情况做好检查,谨防车辆在行驶时发生突发情况。 近日,山西高速交警在视频巡逻时发现,一辆重型半挂牵引车在驶入高速后不久便停在了匝道口处,既没有开启报警闪光灯,也没有摆放警示标志,随后,驾驶人下车围着车子检查,周边不时有车辆驶过,交警立即电话联系了驾驶人,确认其车辆可以正常行驶后,要求其立即从前方收费站驶离高速。 交警在随后的检查中发现,这辆车子的水箱管路一直漏水,而驾驶人只是随意处理一下,并没有完全消除安全隐患,这就导致他在行车过程中时不时就要下车查看,而且现在正值寒冬,滴在路面的水很容易结冰给其他车辆造成安全隐患。 交警责令驾驶人立即消除安全隐患后再上路行驶,并对其车辆发生故障后未放置警示标志的行为处以罚款200元,驾驶证记3分。 还有修平高速江西九江境内的一起自燃事故,原因是这辆车的使用年限较长,加之驾驶人很少对车辆进行检查维护,导致在行驶过程中电路出现问题。 交警提醒,春运期间路面车流量较大,在高速公路发生故障或交通事故、自燃等情况需停车时,应第一时间持续开启危险报警闪光灯,并在故障车来车方向150米以外设置警示标志,车上人员应迅速转移到安全地带并报警。 规范装载 谨防意外 临近春节,物资运输需求旺盛,干线公路交通流量将持续增长,大客车、大货车、危化品运输车、小客车等各类车型混合通行程度升高,交通拥堵和事故风险凸显。交管部门提醒,车辆上路一定要规范装载,谨防发生意外。 近日,广西来宾交警在蒙村镇地六村路段巡逻时,发现一辆轻型自卸货车存在严重的超高、超长、超载的违法行为。经查,这辆货车核载重量为1.1吨,可过磅检查时,交警发现该这辆车重量竟达33.46吨。 在检查过程中交警还发现,驾驶人欧某并未将车上的货物绑紧系牢,只是简单地用几根木头相互卡住,在这种情况下,木头一旦在车辆行驶过程中掉落,极易砸到周围的车辆及行人,引发交通事故。交警依法对驾驶人欧某的违法超载行为处以罚款2000元,驾驶证记6分。 前些天在沪渝高速湖北宜昌段,一辆半挂车在行驶过程中,运载的玻璃突然脱落,随后砸向后方正常行驶的小车,小车驾驶人在向左避让的过程中,差点儿撞上中央护栏,事故导致小车前挡风玻璃及立柱受损,所幸没人受伤。通过排查,交警锁定肇事大货车并联系上了驾驶人陈某。 经询问,驾驶人陈某当天从江苏运送一车玻璃前往重庆,因为玻璃捆绑过紧,也没有用软性包裹进行保护,导致玻璃破碎掉落引发事故,交警认定,事故责任由驾驶人陈某承担。交警表示,无论装载任何货物,货运车辆出发前都应做好货物装载检查,行驶中发现有货物遗撒请及时将车停于应急车道或驶入就近服务区,然后报警求助。(央视新闻客户端) (文图:赵筱尘 巫邓炎) [责编:天天中] 阅读剩余全文() ![]() 网信彩票地图 |